Monday, September 24, 2007

From Seattle to San Francisco!

Well I've now said good bye to Seattle and hello to San Francisco! Got here on thurs but can't say that the start of my time here went off to a good start! I didn't know there was more than one Comfort Inn by the airport which is where I was staying for the first night, so I went to the wrong one by accident! I then ordered a taxi to take me to the correct one, but he took me to another worng one!! I finally ended up at the right place but the room wasn't very nice and the internet didn't work :( Also a couple of presents that I'd bought in Seattle got broken in my bag on the flight! Not a good start!! However, once I'd left, I got to potter around the city and saw the Yerba Buena Arts Centre where they are also holding an arts and music festival- I am currently trying to organise a meeting to chat to them about this festival for my research. I then got to Martha's on the Fri night and slept really well. The next day we went sightseeing together. It was so nice to have someone else to visit things with!

I've so far visited the Crissy Fields where there are views of the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz. I also walked around the Palace of Fine Arts and tried to look around the Letterman Digital Arts Centre but don't think it is actually somewhere you can walk around! Appears to be a collection of office buildings set around a pretty park- no digital arts though!! I am going to ride the cable cars today, and just wander around some different areas, then tomorrow I am going on a tour of the city and Muir Woods ith all the redwood trees which should be nice! On Wed I am doing a tour of Alcatraz so that will be interesting!
Think I'll do another blog once I've visited these as I'm sure I'll have more to say then!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Very well rested in Seattle...

Seattle, I would like you all to know, is a great city. I arrived on my flight 2 hours late due to a problem with one of the wings onthe plane (?!) but the minute I got here I felt relaxed and happy. It's alot slower moving than New York, and alot easier to navigate your way around!

I am staying with the most lovely family- Rachelle, Paul and their two wonderful little girls Eden (who swears I'm Maid Marion but that I'm keeping it quiet) and Kate. They are looking after me so well and really helping me to see what the normal american way of life is all about. They have also introduced me to lots of people and art events that are going on in the local community- we are in Fremont which is a very arty and creative area. They have a troll living under one of the bridges, a statue of Lenin that they dress up for Christmas each year, and are preparing at the moment for a big lantern festival in a couple of weekends time. I helped out and made a lantern of my own :)

I have visited the Seattle Centre via the monorail, which has the International Fountain and the Space Needle which just looks fantastic on the skyline of the city. Seattle has less skyscrapers than NY so the buildings that are tall really stick out! Unfortunatley I haven't been able to see Mt Rainier yet as it has been just too cloudy, but other than that, I am loving my time here.

Seattle has a fantastic life to it, and I especially like the Pike Place Market which has a life of it's own! I will do more exploring of that kind tomorrow which I'm sure will be alot of fun! The family also took me to an event at an old Motel that is due to be torn down. For now, it have been turned into a place for art with each wall and room being covered with art work or installations- it was amazing to see! Oh and I got to try my first twinkie bar that night too :)

I have also met with Tracey Wickersham of the Seattle Convention and Visitors Bureau- we had a great meeting chatting through their various strategies and ways in which they work and market Seattle. I have been quite inspired by the different events and am researching more and more into this Geotourism idea which appears to be such a fantastic way to bring a city or area to life for it's visitors and local alike.

I am to meet with two people from the Mayors Office of Cultural Affairs on Tues so that will also help give me more insight into the ways in which this city promotes itelf.

I plan on my last day here to take a tour of the island of Bainbridge and walk along the waterfront of Seattle. I would love to go to the boat houses made famous in Sleepless in Seattle but I'm just not sure I'll get the time. Maybe another trip is on the horizon...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

New York calling!

Well I made it here- a big relief to get the first bit of the journey right- bodes well for the future I think :)

I'm staying with 2 lovely people called Danella and Sal- they have really done well in putting me up and looking after me. Have educated me on the subway system and local etiquette, as well as taking me out for Korean food and a late night gig! Great gig but unfortunately my body was telling me it was 7am and trying to shut me down with sleep. Still, all good.

I spent my first full day in NY getting myself a new mobile as mine doesn't work out here, and visiting the MoMa (Museum of Modern Art). They have free admission to everyone on Friday afternoons which is great! Such a good idea as it means that alot more people visit than might have otherwise, and with a greater variety. The place was packed. The artwork was fantastic- all my favourite works and artists including Warhol, Monet, Lichtenstein, Pollock and even Martin Creed (Ali/Dei- I took pictures just for you :). Also got to see Yves Klein's blue painting which I love- had a grin on my face basically all the way round!

I have also toured around a bit getting my bearings, so have got to see Times Square, the Rockafella Centre and 5th avenue. Haven't done the Empire State, Chrysler building, Statue of Liberty or the Met yet, but HAVE done Central Park, Grand Central Station and the Lincoln Centre! Will cover the rest over the next few days and the final week of my journey when I head back here again.

In terms of events etc, I have been fortunate enough to be in New York whilst NY Fashion week is on so it's been interesting seeing how this event fits into the scheme of things and how the New Yorkers interact with it. I have also been to one of the biggest arts and crafts markets in NY- the 22nd Annual Autumn Crafts Festival run by the American Concern for Arts and Craftsmnship Org. Have chatted to a few people about how these events are run and how they are supported, so am now busy typing up notes and formulating ideas for futher research. Have been introduced to the new Geotourism idea that is being developed at the moment so am also researching that and will be looking to see whether cities are currently developing this kind of strategy or not.

Will be moving out of Manhatten tomorrow, and going to stay with some other friends in Brooklyn for my last couple of days here, so that will be nice too- get a different view. New York is an amazing city if not a little daunting when you are on your own! Still, so amazing to just be here experiencing it all.

My next city will be Seatlle so I'll write again when I have more to fill you in on!

Monday, September 3, 2007


Well, here it is! The 'Faith Does America' blogspot! Thought this would be the best way to make sure everyone who wants too, can keep up to date on my travels and see how I'm doing and what I'm doing! (yes mom, you can now keep track of me without having to locate which phone number I'll be on! In family joke... :)

I'm a little nervous if I tell the truth- busy sorting everything out at home before I go, which includes sorting my room and packing everything I can possibly think of! But nervous about leaving home, my boy and my family for what seems right now to be such an enourmous length of time! in reality it's only 10 weeks and I'm sure it'll fly by!

I've made contact ith some amazing people in the US who will be hosting me which I am so very grateful for! So great knowing I will be greeted by friendly faces in each place :)

So here's to America! Here's to exploring the cities and all the events that I can in the time I have available. Wish me luck!